Recap of FNCE 2014

DSC_1739Just got back from Atlanta last Tuesday from the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, the largest nutrition conference in the country. It was held at the Georgia World Congress Center (Left). Had such a good time! I met new Today’s Dietitian readers and reunited with those I already knew from years past. One thing I noticed about the conference this year was that there were so many more nutrition professionals in attendance compared with last year when it was held in Houston. Thousands of people attend this conference each year from across the country. It seemed like there was another 1,000 in attendance. When I walked the exhibit hall, it was elbow to elbow people (Right).DSC_1713

I really enjoyed the dietetic practice group showcase exhibits. I had a chance to speak with the chairwomen from those groups who expressed interest in following up with me to discuss future story ideas for the magazine, which is always a treat.

October TD 2014
Our October issue is the largest of the year, and our readers love it (Left). Because it was such a great issue, I was given four free tickets to see the Phillies Game from the president of my company. Remember, I wrote about that experience on this blog called Phillies Game VIP Style! If you’d like to view the digital edition of the October issue, click on the thumbnail to the left.

While at the conference, I spoke to two old friends of mine who I grew up with and who are now living in the Atlanta area. Unfortunately, I never saw them due to schedule conflicts, but I hope to see them in the future when I visit Atlanta again.

However, I reunited with one of my best friends from college. I hadn’t seen her or her daughter in about seven years. She met me at my hotel on Saturday, and of course we took pictures! I brought my really good camera with me (Nikon D5300), which I never do when I travel for business. I bought a stylish Kelly Moore camera bag, which looks like a regular handbag, and I carried it around with me throughout the entire conference with my camera in tow. My camera made my handbag very heavy, but this was well worth carrying around the extra weight. Below is a photo of us in the courtyard/pool area at the Hilton Atlanta. (No one took this photo. I simply placed my camera on a table/island that was in front of us and set the camera on a timer, and voila!) It was so warm outside that there were people actually swimming in the pool. In October?DSC_1702

Afterward, we searched for a restaurant in the area to have dinner. Now, mind you, we published an Atlanta Dining Guide in our September issue so I thought we’d be able to eat at one of the most critically acclaimed restaurants in the city. We called two of them and unfortunately we either needed reservations or the place was booked. So we drove aimlessly looking for a place to eat. We ended up eating at a Mexican restaurant, which was not in our dining guide. The food was pretty good, although my clothes smelled like the spices they used to season the food. My friend and I talked nonstop! We had a lot of catching up to do. It was so great seeing her.

Another memorable moment on this trip was the dinner I had with Constance Brown-Riggs and Marlisa Brown, two of the magazine’s editorial advisors. We went to Legal Seafoods, which was a few blocks from the convention center. It was great to get to know them better. We really had a good time. Constance has known Marlisa for 20 years, and they travel together to nutrition conferences. Here’s a photo I took of them in the restaurant.CSC_1754

This business trip was the best. I don’t remember having this much fun on a business trip ever. Usually I have a good time when I travel, but this trip was really special. Probably because I saw my friend and spoke to other friends, and I had a good time with colleagues in the nutrition profession during dinner and at the exhibits. Until my next entry, take care! See you around in cyberspace!

Can’t Wait for the Summer Olympics!

If you’re like me, you’re looking forward to the summer olympics, which will take place in London this year. In this month’s issue of Today’s Dietitian, there’s a great article about the upcoming olympics from a perspective you probably haven’t read about before. The article, called “Preparing to Win the Gold,” talks about the dietitians who work with the U.S. olympic team to ensure the athletes are well fueled with all the right foods, snacks, and beverages they need to perform at the top of their game. You’d be amazed at what nutrients they need for workouts and competition day. They expend a lot of energy so they need many nutrient-dense calories to keep them healthy, strong, and full of vigor.

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes or know someone who does, there’s an article about one of the most feared complications of the disease: diabetic retinopathy. The good news is that diabetic retinopathy, which causes vision loss, is completely preventable as long as your blood sugar is controlled and you get annual eye exams. I especially loved developing this story idea, and assigning and editing the article because it gave me a chance to revisit a subject matter I like and am most familiar with: eye health. I spent five years as an editor and writer for professional magazines covering the eye care profession for optometrists and ophthalmologists. So this article was such a treat to educate dietitians about this disease and share what role they can play in preventing blindness in their patients. You can read the article “The ABCs of Diabetic Retinopathy” here.

And did you know that the foods you eat can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease? Well they can. Read “Reducing the Risk of CVD” and find out what foods you should be buying at the grocery store for optimal health. You’ll enjoy the recipes for the banana-berry smoothie, double-grain bean soup, the walnut cluster snack, and all the others in the magazine.

I hope you enjoy these articles. I’m most proud of this issue because it features such diverse article topics and the photos are really great! Leave me a message below and let me know what you think.

Until then, I’ll see you around on Facebook and Twitter!

   Take Care,

Hot Off the Presses!

Today is the official day I made my debut as the Editor of Today’s Dietitian. The September 2011 issue is hot off the presses! I’m so excited!

The September issue (left) is one of the largest issues of the year. The October issue is supposed to be just as large if not larger. I’ve just completed the first round of edits for the October issue, and I’m gearing up to begin editing the November issue and assigning the December issue next week.

I’ve been super busy since starting my new job six weeks ago as Editor of this publication. Not only have I edited and assigned 1-1/2 issues already, but I’ve assigned, written news, and edited online exclusive features as well — and traveled to Las Vegas. It’s been a whirlwind, but a very rewarding experience. And I’m just getting started. The good thing is that you can view the online digital version of the magazine right here, and see how gorgeous the publication is. My Editor’s note with my photo is on page 4. 🙂

Today’s Dietitian also has an e-newsletter you can view here. It’s chock full of news not published in the print publication; it has an exclusive feature article; and a different editor’s note from me! So please take a gander at the publication and e-newsletter when you have a moment and let me know what you think. I welcome your feedback. Enjoy the issue!